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I can help you reverse the programs!

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Eva aka EVATAR has undergone a complete Soul Resurrection of her Soul Evolution Template and is now a Channel for the divine Energy of the Sacred Heart of One.


On that path – her old energetic template carrying the name of” Eva Kettles” has transcended into Waiya, who is simply one with the path and one with creation.

A new identity “EVATAR” was born as she released her specific Suffering Template of her past, that initiated her Soul-Rebirth into Waiya and then she took on the Identity of EVATAR, the embodyment of her specific AVATAR and aligned her with a new frequency - opening up new Portals into new magnificent magnetic and electric streams of consciousness.


EVATAR is now fully connected with the New World template of Peace, Self Acceptance, Compassion and Unconditional Love. From this place the attachment to the personality falls away as she is simply led by divine Grace and by the Sacred Heart of One.

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EVATAR is transmitting a sacred force - led by the Holy Divine Potent Power of Miraculous Transformation - the Infinite Divine Intelligence & driven by the glorious unconditional Love for Sacred Service to Humanity and the New World.


She is acting as a Bridge between Heaven and Earth to allow the galactic Miracle Force from the Stars to support Humanity's Healing on Earth.

Under her brand “Embody Your Avatar Life – EVATAR.Life” she is offering a one of a kind “S

My transformation from Eva into evatar

Beautiful Soul –


I am so excited to meet you and thank you for your interest in my personal alchemical Process and resurrection of my Soul Essence.


I was born with the name Eva – german heritage – my father loved the idea of the first woman on Earth – which in America is really Eve – so my actual correct translation of that earlier name would be Eve.

Eve in german language is pronounced EVA.


Eva went through many Trials and Tribulations – overcame several near death experiences, which led to a profound love of the world beyond the visible.


During her 20ties she was struggling with food addiction – which suffocated her, feeling incapable to go out and move, have fun and be her self. With 60 pounds heavier for about 4 years – she felt dissatisfied, frustrated about not being able to change habits, lost quality of life and started to build a prison for herself – hiding from the world.


Her desire for a beautiful, healthy, fit and athletic body helped her to discover new tools and finally disengage from the belief system of unworthiness, shame, guilt and the self loathing habits, which empowered her later to support others in their desire to release addiction mechanisms as well, birthing an online Course – called “LOVE YOUR BODY”.


She studied holistic medicine and activated a direct channel that allowed her to speak to the inner knower – within herself and her clients.


With offices in Germany, Switzerland, Greece and later New York she was able to support hundreds of clients in their quest to find their way back to

connection, clarity and intimacy.


She went through Betrayals, Divorce, Financial Losses and Helper Syndrome – attracting Souls that were in need of help but not ready to do the work.


Every Challenge led to a new inquiry of the Soul – opening a new door to wisdom that was buried within her Soul – allowing her to blossom into more of herself, attracting new quantum healing modalities whenever she needed to find a new path. Her strength lays in knowing there is a solution for everything – she knew deep within her heart that this was all leading her to an entirely new way – even a new world – as her deepest dream was founded in Love – the foundation of our cosmic galactic evolution – leading us all to co–create Heaven on Earth.


Eva’s Life kept moving her through more challenges – losing her ability to co-create completely naturally, going through the traumatic experience of infertility – leading her to finding a new way – healing “separation” on the deepest level and later birthing her miracle child.

Another course was born called



She also lost both her parents to suicide – which forced her to dig deep into despair, hopelessness, isolation and the distortions that cause depression.


A few years ago – she fell back onto the tile floor and laid unconscious on the hard bath room floor.

This scenario moved her through gaining back her speech and stability, learning that this fall was a fall into true GRACE connecting her with more spiritual tools and gifts coming from her own heart, teaching her complete Self acceptance and becoming ONE with the sacred mystery of the unknown.


This path led her into Divine Union – a marriage within – between yin and yang attracting wholeness on new levels.


When more elements of our consciousness are gathered, and old and new parts of our being are rediscovered - when peace can be made and we forgive our own shortcomings and those of others – we magnetize that, which we already are – pure, unconditional source essence – ready to play – ready to laugh – ready to apply the essence of the true unapologetic self – ready to take back the curtain – ready to become honest, vulnerable and real – nothing is more beautiful than that which you will find….

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